Email Lists at Hope Church 

We are grateful that you are interested in subscribing to receive Hope Church email. There are two lists and you are welcome to be on one or both.

  1. Church Wide Emails: You will typically receive two emails per week: one midweek with an email message from one of the pastors that includes all of the coming week's bulletin announcements and one that comes at the end of the week with information about the coming Sunday offerings and the ministry of prayer lists for the coming week. 
  2. PrayerLink Emails: You will receive an email anytime someone shares a prayer request to be sent out. If you ever have a prayer request you would like to send out over this list, simply email that request to one of the pastors or to the church office and it will be sent to everyone who subscribes to receive PrayerLink emails.
  3. Unifying Hope Information: A monthly email that keeps people informed about what's happening in the county, including links to news coverage and other documents. 
  4. Unifying Hope Action: An as-needed alert for ways to be involved, from attending meetings to writing letters or submitting comments (emails will not be sent more often than every two weeks). 

(This is not a subscription that costs any money!)  Be sure to click on the box next to the words Church Wide Email and or Prayer Link at the very bottom to specify which emails you would like to receive and hit the Subscribe button.

If you have any questions or are having difficulty using this form, please reach out to the church office.

Office Phone: 616-392-7947
Office Email:

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